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A very special thank you from RCVF to Jean Lawrence


James Smith, a close friend of Rebecca’s, and his family had a good friend and neighbour named Jean Lawrence.

"Jean was born in 1926 in Hertfordshire and moved to Dorking in her early twenties. She was a kind and generous lady who lived a very quiet lifestyle and was always supporting local charities. She saw first hand the impact the loss of Rebecca had had on her friends and family, and when the Rebecca Cannon Vitality Fund was set up in Rebecca’s memory she didn’t hesitate to donate and help kickstart this initiative.

As well as several other charities, leaving a further legacy in her Will to the RCVF was an easy decision" Written by Dawn Smith.

On behalf of RCVF we are so very grateful for Jean’s kind and generous bequest which gives us the opportunity to do some amazing work in both Jean’s and Rebecca’s names.

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